Players: 185
Tournaments: 119
Games Played: 1779
Total Appearances: 1999

Times are displayed as GMT.
Current date and time: 2025-03-12 19:54
Golf Tournament



• 1 worm per player
• Games are best of 1
Basic golf rules: from the red line throw a nade to the hole marked with the same number, the grenade must explode inside, when you do a successfully shot go to the next hole, first player in finish the 8 holes in order will be the winner. In some maps there is a red line for every 2 holes (but not in a row).
Use only this scheme.
Use the command /boom for avoid blocks.
If game crash or someone plop his worm by accident do rehost, but keep in mind less sd time, say it to your opponent before rh.
When the REAL TIME clock is showing 00:25 the game ends (but with same amount of turns for each player) and player more farthest will be the winner, if a turn start after clock show 00:25 will be null.
In case of draw talk with MOD.
About maps: like a battlerace, golf is a scheme where know the map is a big advantage, and if both players know the map then the game is more of memory than skill, so for reduce the memory factor in this tourney, we will use new maps that nobody played still. So in every round, MOD will say a link where you can download the map a bit before of announce the pairings (obviously MOD won't play in the tourney).
So if a player do a mysterious disappearance after map is announced or a long disconexion, he can be eliminated or his opponent can have some turns of advantage...
Medal points multiplier for the new system: x 0.7 (18 players)