Players: 185
Tournaments: 119
Games Played: 1779
Total Appearances: 1999

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Current date and time: 2025-03-12 18:24
Darts Tournament



• 8 worms per player
• Games are best of 3 (final and bronze are best of 5)
Games are fast and should only take around 5 minutes.
Whoever hosts MUST type /rs in the gamelobby to activate RacingStuff!
Teleport worms to start platform.
Activate low gravity by selecting it from the weapons menu or by pressing `
Select rope by selecting it from the weapons menu or pressing F8.
Attach rope to wall, select drill while keeping the rope attached by selecting it from the weapons menu or pressing F7.
Use the arrow keys to maneuvre the rope and build momentum, then release the worm and fly with drill towards board by pressing enter.
While the worm is flying towards the dartboard, press space to stop drilling BEFORE reaching the dartboard.
Tally up the scores after all worms have gone.
To the victor, the spoils!
*If any worms are knocked off, the scores still count, you have to land though, bounced off worms don't count.*
In the event of a draw on score at the end of all 16 worms, it's sudden death, players keep order and rope over/teleport then shoot 1 more worm each, the best score wins, if the draw continues, players keep throwing until someone wins.
In the event of someone lagging out / disconnecting or mysteriously dissapearing, players will rehost and continue scoring from previous game, for example:
Player A: 0 - 0 - 5 - 2
Player B: 3 - 3 - 3 - 3
Then Player A drops, the game will be rehosted, and players can either teleport the worms to the targets they had in the previous game, then continue the match, or both players can just keep the score from the previous game, and play with however many worms they had left and continue the score (with 4 worms in this case for example).
In this tournament, maps for each round have to be picked with the dS map picker. Fill in your nickname, set 3 or 5 maps to pick (depending on whether the round is bo3 or bo5), write "WO 11-08-2014" as the short description, and in the long description please specify the round as well as the game (who vs. who) the maps are being picked for.
Be aware that some maps have special rules!! If you're not sure about them visit the map's page (linked from the map picker), or ask the moderator before starting to play!
How to score worms that land between targets and on spikes is explained on the scheme's TUS page (unless specified otherwise by the map).
Gl, hf and may the darts be with you!
Medal points multiplier for the new system: x 0.7 (16 players)